Thursday, October 28, 2010

My Passport to India

It's not what it looks like to most of you-  I'm not planning any trips to India right now...not literally.  A couple of months ago, we got an email from Sonlight (the brand of curriculum we use,) saying that they were going to do a 5 week program called My Passport to India.  They have 2 videos a week, along with devotions, extra information about India and it's people.  So for 4 weeks now, we have been learning about India, and saving our extra change to donate to help send children from India to CBC's (Children's Bible Clubs).  It's  been a really fun learning experience for us.  The girls love learning about different people, places and cultures, and they love getting to help other people.  One of the things we learned was about the capital city of Mumbai.  It's supposed to be the richest city in the country of India, yet HALF of it's people live in slums!  One particular slum has ONE MILLION people living in a 1 square mile area!!!   One million people.  That just blows my mind!  We also learned about Hinduism, and how the vast majority of people in India are Hindus, how they believe there are millions of gods...statues, elephants, cows, etc.  Alia is such a tender-hearted little girl, and one day she wanted to write a letter to send to India.  She drew a picture on it, and wrote "Cow is not your Savior," and told me she wanted to mail it to the children over there.  I told her that was very sweet, but that they probably wouldn't be able to read it-  partly due to the illiteracy of the people in India, and partly because of the different language and alphabet that they use.  So, she then turned the paper over, and wrote the ABC's on the back, so they could learn the alphabet.  It's been a great opportunity for us.  The girls love getting to put any change they see laying around into our "India bank."  We have two more videos before the program is over, and I'll be a little sad when it's done.  If you want, feel free to check it out for yourselves.  

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