Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Do you ever wonder if what you are doing matters??!!

I'll be honest, sometimes I wonder if my "job"  is important enough, if it matters, or if I should be doing "more."  It seems like society and the world do not place very much importance on being a stay-at-home mom.  By the world's standards, we are supposed to want something more.  We should want some high power, high paying job.  I have always wanted to be a mom, and when we were expecting Alia, we both knew that we wanted me to be able to stay home with her.  I'm not really sure though that I felt like God was calling me to stay at home, we just knew that for our family, we felt it was best.  As time has gone on, and as Karaline and Ethan have come into our family, I have realized more and more that God has most definitely called me to stay home with them.  I still have my days where I wonder if I'm doing enough, or if I should be doing more, but today is NOT one of those days.  Today, I had the privilege of talking with Alia and praying with her as she asked Jesus into her heart.  It was a moment that I will never forget, one that makes me realize more than ever just how important my job is.  Raising our children to love Christ is the most important thing I can ever imagine doing, and I am so thankful that I am able to be here with them for the big moments like these!!! 


  1. Great post, Sarah, and praise the Lord for Aila's decision. How sweet and wonderful! Must be so special for a Mom to lead their precious to the Father!

  2. Thanks for the post...so true. What a priceless time to have with our children. I will never regret being here with my little ones....they will all to soon be gone, and you don't get that time back.
