Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Character Training

Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Like I said before, character must be something that God is wanting me to focus on right now!  I'm so excited about a new opportunity that I found out.  There is a lady from our homeschool group that found out about these "MATCH" kits.  They stand for "Mothers Actively Teaching Character in the Home."  Two women in Fort Wayne started making these kits for their own families, and it has turned into a ministry for them.  I have only briefly checked out their website   http://www.familyroomvalues.com/  but it looks like they have a great ideas for teaching good character to our children.  Each month they have a kit that focuses on a different character trait.  This month is manners, and there are a lot of different games and activities in the kits, along with a special family keepsake craft each month.  I'm so excited about this.  I haven't read through all of our materials yet, but already we've talked a lot about what things are good manners, what things aren't.  I can't tell you how many times at dinner tonight the girls would do or say something and ask, "is this good manners?"  It seems like everyone nowadays has gotten so relaxed with manners, including myself, so I'm really looking forward to focusing on this topic for the next month, and looking at the areas in my own life where my manners are lacking, and hopefully teaching our kids good manners along the way!  :)  I'm sure God is going to be revealing to me way more of my faults that I care to know!  ;)

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