Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The start of our school year

Today was an exciting day.  We went to sign Alia up for classes at our area homeschool co-op.  She is so excited to get to take a music class, PE, and an art workshop there once a week.   Until about 2 1/2 years ago, I NEVER...and I mean NEVER thought we would homeschool.  I had absolutely zero desire to homeschool.  But one Sunday at church a couple years ago the pastor was preaching about being the primary influence in your childrens' lives.  They weren't a homeschooling family, so it wasn't like he was saying that you had to homeschool to do that.  But I sat there listening, and really felt God laying this on my heart.  Even as I felt this, I thought to myself, "I do NOT want to homeschool."  But God knew better.  It was on my mind a lot for several weeks, then I talked with a friend whose husband was homeschooled, and at the time, they were thinking about homeschooling.  After talking to her, I really started feeling like this was something I should look into.  So I got a book from the library by Lisa Welchell called "So You're Thinking About Homeschooling."  Not far into the book, I knew this was something I wanted to try.  I talked to Rob about it, and really expected him to say, "No way!"  But he was open to it.  He did waiver about it.  Mainly because at the time I was suffering from chronic fatigue and headaches.  His main concern was how I would be able to do this right when I was so tired all the time.  I told him I didn't know.  I just knew it was where God was leading me.  God later provided the right direction for me to figure out what the problem was, and now we are on our first official year of homeschooling.  We definitely have our challenging days, but I love it!  I love when we read about something and weeks or months later, something will trigger their minds and they will tell someone about it.  I love getting to spend my days snuggling with them, creating things with them, and learning things that I forgot, or maybe never knew.  I love watching the wonder in their eyes when we are learning about something that really interests them.  I love that with Rob's unpredictable work schedule that we can usually make ourselves available to go to the farm or be here at the house to see him for bits and pieces throughout some of the days when he is at his busy times of year, and I love that we can work on our own schedule, and at our own pace. Homeschooling really was one of those "never will I"  things, but I'm so glad that God knows better than me and that he laid it on my heart to do this.  I'm so thankful for this responsibility and this joy!


  1. I think I told you I was one of those "I will NEVER" also! I am glad God has bigger plans for us that even we can fathom sometimes. We are now in our 5th year of H.schooling (WOW! it has went so fast!) My kids love it, and we ask them every year what they want to do..they all always choose to h.school every year! Mid way through every year you will wonder if the hard days or sometimes weeks are worth it...just know we ALL have them...and I think most of us would agree YES it is 100% worth it!

  2. Congrats to you. Glad you figured it out and are doing well. It so exciting to do that. Glad she likes the classes.
