Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Do you ever wish it was easier to do the wrong thing?  I don't mean anything really big, but yesterday and today were just long days.  Nothing really bad happened, but yesterday Karaline was scheduled to have an endoscopy done.  What started out as one test, turned into an endoscopy, 2 rectal exams, another thing similar to a colonoscopy, but I can't remember what they called it, a urinalisis/urine culture, and a pelvic ultrasound.  I went in feeling fine about things, but they had us go in with her when they put her under, which I think was probably better for her, but harder for me.  There is just something about seeing your little one fall asleep like that on a table in a hospital that is just really hard.  Then, about 2 minutes after we left the room, we got a call at the desk in the waiting area where the Dr. asked for our consent to do the first additional procedure.  I knew it was fine, but it freaked me out.  Rob had gone down to get something to eat and drink, so I sat there snuggling Ethan.  It was one of those times where I felt like I couldn't pray.  Part of it was that I didn't want to start bawling in the waiting room, because I really did feel like everything was fine.  So I sat there, tears in my eyes, and I just had that quiet time.  I knew that the Holy Spirit would speak on my behalf.  I couldn't think where the verse was, but I knew that my sighs would be translated for me.  After her the first 3 tests were done, they brought us in to meet with the doctor, who said as far as he could tell, everything looked fine.  It will be 2 weeks for the biopsies, but he felt something during the 1st rectal exam, which was why they wanted to do the colonoscopy-like procedure.  He still wanted to do another exam though, to see if he still felt whatever it was, which he did still feel it, prompthing the urinalisis and ultrasound.  Apparently it was just a very full bladder that he was feeling.  It made for a long day though!  So then today, we were all very tired from having to get up early, the driving, etc. from yesterday.  But Ethan had his 6 month check-up today, and we were getting pretty low on groceries, so we headed to Fort Wayne first thing this morning.  Alia and I both woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, so it just started off as another one of those days.  At the end of getting groceries, Alia asked if they could ride the pony at Meijer.  I told her they could if I had a penny for each of them.   They had been pretty good (for the most part), but Ethan was fussy, and to be honest, the only reason I said that was because I really didn't think I had any change in my purse.  But of course, I open my wallet, and there were several pennies staring up at me.  I was so tempted to close it and say  "Sorry, Honey...I don't have any pennies."  I paused, closed my eyes momentarily and dug out the pennies.  It's not like the rides are that long, but I just wanted to come home.  But I wasn't going to lie or break my word to them.  I was so tempted though! 


  1. Sarah, I have definitly had days like that where I wanted to do the easier thing, but sometimes breaking our word to our little ones is hard when they look at you with big huge eyes waiting for our responses. God know's I've had to dig deep for the strength to just get through the moment or day. :) Thanks for sharing.

  2. Sarah, I so enjoy reading your blog. I had tried to leave a comment earlier, but did something while I was attempting to add a profile photo of myself, and apparently lost my comment.

    I hope that it won't be long before you know what and how to help Karaline. Was it perhaps a sigmoidoscopy that they also performed, I've heard of that procedure. That would possibly be one they may have performed in her situation. I know how worrisome this has to be for you all. And to have to put her through so much, at such a young age has to be extremely scary, to say the very least. Hopefully they will be able to determine what the problem is and then direct you as to what to do.

    My best to you always,

  3. Sarah - that was so God-honoring....He will bless you for being honest!!! I totally understand going the other way.....Praying that all is okay with Karaline, but I know that you want to get to the bottom of it all. Will keep her on my prayer list. Thank you again for being such an inspiring woman!!! Love you!!

  4. Keeping Karaline in our prayers! I look forward to reading your blog! :)

