Sunday, August 15, 2010

Where do I begin???

Wow, so my first posting!  I'm new to blogging.  Not just for my own, but even to other people's blogs.  It has really just been in the last year the I ever looked at a blog, and just in the last few months that I read any of them regularly.  I became an official follower of a friends blog just a couple weeks ago, so this is new.  My mind is racing, and going a hundred miles a minute with things I want to write.  I tried coming up with a cool name for my blog, but I'm not very witty, so it was kind of a struggle.  Rob suggested "Musings of a Domestic Goddess," which I thought had a cool ring to it, but didn't want it to sound like I thought I was some sort of goddess, so I prayed, did devotions, tried to come up with something that went with Schuman, or mom or wife...something, but couldn't find anything I liked.  I went to my Bible for direction, reading about parenting, discipline, blessings.  Then I found the passage in Proverbs 31 about a wife of noble character.  Being a wife of noble character is not always something that comes easily to me.  Rob and I celebrated our 7th anniversary in July.  I try my hardest to be a godly wife and mother, but I know I fail.  I hope that this blog will help me grow, help me reflect, hold me accountable.  Even if noone else in the world reads this, I'm excited to have a place to write down my thoughts, emotions and the things God is laying on my heart.  I liked the background I chose for this blog...partly because of it's title:  "Ready to Learn."   I thought it was fitting for a couple of different reasons.  One is that with us homeschooling the kids, learning is a daily process for all of us.  I'm learning fun new facts with them all the time.  The other reason is that I thought about how often we have lessons in life that we need to learn, but how many times it takes us to be ready to hear, how long it takes us to listen, and be ready to learn.  Seven years of marriage.  I've tried to be that wife of noble character, but think I'm just now in that place of truly being ready to learn.  Better late than never, I guess! 


  1. welcome to the blog world. So excited to follow, learn, and also grow in my walk with the Lord through what the Lord teaches you.

  2. Don't be afraid to ask lots of questions along the way...that is how the rest of us learned. Welcome and happy blogging.

  3. Awesome! I'm so glad that we are starting the blogging journey together! Long ago, Mase gave me a book mark that he made with Proverbs 31 on it. It really has become a life verse for me. I'm so glad you're doing this!

  4. Thank you everyone, I'm so exciteed about this, and am really feeling God working in me right now!!! Sonja, I'm really excited to start the blogging journey with you, too! I'm so glad you started yours, because it really did give me a good push to do this. Danielle, I am sure I will have a ton of questions for you!!!
